Word has been received that a man from Bryan has been shot in Cal­i­for­nia.

19 year old Lance Cor­po­ral Liam Phillips, a 2012 Bryan High School Grad­u­ate, was shot three times dur­ing an off-duty inci­dent at Marine Corps Air Sta­tion Mira­mar on Sun­day evening.

Phillips sur­vived the shoot­ing and was listed in sta­ble con­di­tion as of yes­ter­day after­noon accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

Police in Cal­i­for­nia say Phillips was vis­it­ing a friend’s apart­ment. The friend had a loaded hand­gun on his liv­ing room table. There was a knock on the front door. Phillips answered it, but no one was there.

He closed the door but didn’t lock it. After that he went to a back bed­room. When he came out, there was a man in the liv­ing room, hold­ing the gun.

Phillips tried to get the gun away from the man, but he was shot in the hand, hip and chest dur­ing the struggle.

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