Looking for levy to help fix roads and bridges

In Mark Town­ship, Defi­ance County, they need money to fix roads and bridges. Now a 2-mill, five-year levy will be decided on Nov. 3 by town­ship vot­ers. If passed that would gen­er­ate close to 70 tho­suand dol­larrs. For a per­son own­ing a prop­erty val­ued at 50 thou­sand dol­lars, it would mean 35 dol­lars more out of pocket. The town­ship, in recent years has had to spend between 100 and 130 thou­sand dol­lars annu­ally on road and bridge upkeep.

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Gov. DeWine to visit Williams County Fair Friday.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine will appear at a ceremony Friday at the Williams County Fair …