Lots Of Weather Related Crashes Reported In Ohio

The Ohio State High­way Patrol, along with local law enforce­ment, inves­ti­gated a series of weather-related crashes begin­ning Sat­ur­day morn­ing, all due to the storm that moved through our area.

The weather changed quickly Sat­ur­day morn­ing. Snow started to fall, and the wind picked up, caus­ing severe low vis­i­bil­ity and blow­ing snow. That in turn, lead to a num­ber of chain-reaction crashes in Van Wert and Pauld­ing coun­ties.

Over a five-hour period, 13 crashes involv­ing 39 peo­ple were reported.

As of Mon­day morn­ing, Williams, Defi­ance, and Ful­ton coun­ties were all placed on a level 1 snow emergency

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