Man Charged With Trafficking In Defiance

A Defi­ance man has been arrested after being indicted on sev­eral high-level drug traf­fick­ing charges. 40 year old Jesse Sanchez was charged wtih engag­ing in a pat­tern of cor­rupt activ­ity; three counts of traf­fick­ing in cocaine; and per­mit­ting drug abuse, all felonies. Sanchez entered a plea of not guilty in Defi­ance County Court, and he was then locked up on bond of $1 Mil­lion. A pre­trial hear­ing is now set for Octo­ber 21st. Sanchez faces the for­fei­ture of vehi­cles and prop­erty too, after pros­e­cu­tors say mul­ti­ple vehi­cles and other assets were obtained with ille­gal drug pro­ceeds. The charges come fol­low­ing a 15-month inves­ti­ga­tion by the Multi-Area Nar­cotics Unit.

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