The Ohio State High­way Patrol is remind­ing dri­vers to not get behind the wheel impaired this Memo­r­ial Day week­end. Troop­ers will be work­ing along­side local law enforce­ment offi­cers in an effort to have a week­end free of impaired-fatal crashes.

Memo­r­ial Day week­end is tra­di­tion­ally a dan­ger­ous hol­i­day period on Ohio roads, par­tic­u­larly for impaired dri­ving crashes. Last Memo­r­ial Day hol­i­day, seven of the 13 peo­ple killed on Ohio road­ways were involved in alcohol-related crashes.

Motorists should also be reminded that wear­ing a safety belt is the sin­gle most effec­tive tool in reduc­ing injuries and deaths in crashes caused by impaired dri­vers. This mes­sage is part of the national Click It or Ticket safety belt mobi­liza­tion, which runs through June 2.

Dri­vers are encour­aged to call #677 to report impaired dri­vers or drug activity.

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