Mercy Defiance Clinic Warns Of Scam

Mercy Defi­ance Clinic is warn­ing of fraud­u­lent phone calls being made by scam­mers claim­ing to rep­re­sent the clinic.

They say scam­mers are mak­ing ran­dom calls claim­ing to be a col­lec­tion agency work­ing for Mercy Defi­ance Clinic.

The callers tell the recip­i­ent that they have an over­due account bal­ance and they need the recipient’s Social Secu­rity num­ber to resolve the issue. Do NOT give your Social Secu­rity num­ber or any other per­sonal infor­ma­tion to these callers; no one call­ing from Mercy about an account bal­ance would ever ask you for your Social Secu­rity num­ber.

If you receive such a call, you should hang up and then call Mercy Defi­ance Clinic or your local police.

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