Mont­pe­lier Vil­lage Coun­cil met on Mon­day. Coun­cil heard from some res­i­dents who are con­cerned about an unkept prop­erty in the vil­lage.

One cou­ple told coun­cil that an adja­cent prop­erty to theirs has sev­eral old vehi­cles on it, which in turn makes their prop­erty less attrac­tive and valu­able. The cou­ple asked about ordi­nances pro­hibit­ing the prop­erty owner from stor­ing the vehi­cles there and per­haps a law that would require the owner to move the vehi­cles and clean up the prop­erty.

Coun­cil informed the pair that as long as the vehi­cles are in run­ning con­di­tion and prop­erly licensed, the prop­erty owner isn’t run­ning afowl of any local laws.

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