Meth House Fire In Bryan

At about mid­night on Fri­day, the Bryan Fire Depart­ment was called to a res­i­den­tial fire at a duplex at 304 Cen­ter St. in Bryan. One occu­pant with seri­ous injuries was taken to St. Vin­cent Med­ical Cen­ter while six oth­ers made it out safely.

Assist­ing the Bryan Fire Depart­ment in the inves­ti­ga­tion and removal of haz­ardous waste were the Multi-Area Nar­cotics Task Force, the Bryan Police Depart­ment, and the Williams County Sheriff’s Office. Numer­ous chem­i­cals and appa­ra­tus used in the man­u­fac­ture of Metham­phet­a­mine were removed from the res­i­dence. Ini­tial find­ings indi­cate a fail­ure occurred in a cook­ing ves­sel while Metham­phet­a­mine was being pro­duced using a method com­monly referred to as a “One Pot Shake and Bake.“

Sus­pect infor­ma­tion is being with­held at this time due to the ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion.

The Red Cross assisted at the scene in pro­vid­ing tem­po­rary hous­ing for the dis­placed residents.

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