Miss Northwestern Ohio to go on to Miss Ohio

There were two win­ners at the Miss North­west­ern Ohio Schol­ar­ship Pageant. The win­ner of the schol­ar­ship pageant is Hay­ley Hes­selschwardt of Hicksville.
She’s joined in the winner’s cir­cle by Marcy Miller of Defi­ance, who was named Miss Out­stand­ing Teen.

Hes­selschwardt won a $1,000 schol­ar­ship and the right to com­pete in the Miss Ohio Schol­ar­ship Pageant held in Mans­field next sum­mer. The win­ner of that pageant will com­pete for the Miss Amer­ica crown. Hes­selschwardt is study­ing early child­hood edu­ca­tion at Bowl­ing Green. She also won the inter­view award and its $200 prize.

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