Missing Sex Offender Subject Of Manhunt

The LaGrange County Sheriff’s Depart­ment is on the hunt for a man who they say failed to reg­is­ter as a sex or vio­lent offender. Accord­ing to their Face­book page, the LaGrange County Sheriff’s Depart­ment is search­ing for 27-year-old Clay­ton Rugg, who is wanted on a war­rant out of LaGrange Cir­cuit Court for a level 6 felony after he failed to report his res­i­dency as required. Rugg is described as being a white male , five-feet-ten, 160 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. Rugg was also con­victed of sim­i­lar crimes in Steuben County in August of 2012. If you have any infor­ma­tion or know the where­abouts of Clay­ton William Rugg, con­tact your local law enforce­ment agency, or the LaGrange County Sher­iffs Department.

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