This com­ing Mon­day may be Pres­i­dents Day, but for Mont­pe­lier Exempted Vil­lage Schools stu­dents, it will be just another school day.

The Bryan Times reports that school board mem­bers at Tuesday’s board of edu­ca­tion meet­ing, made the deci­sion to use Mon­day as a snow make-up day.

It was also learned at last night’s meet­ing, that the Ohio leg­is­la­ture is con­sid­er­ing two weather-related bills. The first would add four calamity days to the school cal­en­dar along with pro­vi­sions to extend the school day by 30 min­utes.

The sec­ond pro­posal on the table for con­sid­er­a­tion, is a bill that would waive makeup days for grad­u­at­ing seniors. Nei­ther bill has yet been voted on.

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