The Edon Board of Edu­ca­tion met Tues­day, and it, like many other school dis­tricts across the state, and in fact, across the nation this year, is deal­ing with issues due to the wild win­ter weather.

The Bryan Times reports that there have been some sched­ule changes for the remain­ing por­tion of the school year.

• Feb. 14 had been a planned pro­fes­sional day. Now all stu­dents will report for a full day of instruc­tion.

• Feb. 17 will be a make-up day and all stu­dents will report for a full day of instruc­tion.

• April 10 had been a planned two-hour delay for pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment. Now all stu­dents will report for a full day of instruc­tion.

• April 18 will be a make-up day and stu­dents will be dis­missed at 1:15 p.m.

As of yes­ter­day, stu­dents in Kinder­garten and pre-school will be on a new delay sched­ule. The morn­ing stu­dents will report to school from 10–11:50 a.m. After­noon stu­dents will report from 1:10–3 p.m. Bus routes will be run for these students.

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