Montpelier Village Council Fills Vacant Seat

Mont­pe­lier Vil­lage Coun­cil met on Mon­day and inter­viewed two appli­cants for a vacant coun­cil seat.

Fol­low­ing those inter­views, Dan Willis, who has served on the vil­lage coun­cil in the past, was appointed and sworn in.

Mont­pe­lier Coun­cil then moved on to other items of busi­ness Mon­day night.

Kurt Roan was appointed the rep­re­sen­ta­tive to WEDCO, and cruise-in dates were approved.

Cruise-ins this year will be held the sec­ond and fourth Thurs­days of June, July and August.

The Grand cruise-in is now slated for Aug. 12, and the final cruise-in will be on Aug. 26.

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