A Mont­pe­lier woman is get­ting national atten­tion… from the NRA.

Phyl­lis Her­ring­ton has been named recip­i­ent of this year’s Mar­ion P. Ham­mer Woman of Dis­tinc­tion Award by the National Rifle Asso­ci­a­tion.

This award is named after the first woman pres­i­dent of the NRA.

Her­ring­ton has worked at the Camp Perry National Rifle and Pis­tol Matches for more than 10 years. She is a cer­ti­fied pis­tol, rifle, shot­gun and per­sonal pro­tec­tor in the home instruc­tor, and also is cer­ti­fied as a range safety offi­cer, and a local hunter edu­ca­tion instructor.

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