North­west Town­ship has issued a press release regard­ing snow poli­cies.

Accord­ing to the release, only mail­boxes that have actu­ally been hit by a town­ship truck or plow will be repaired or replaced by the town­ship. Repair of mail­boxes dam­aged by fly­ing snow or slush dur­ing plow­ing will be the owner’s respon­si­bil­ity.

The Town­ship also says that when clean­ing out dri­ve­ways, res­i­dents should avoid push­ing snow onto the town­ship streets and roads. Town­ship offi­cials say doing so cre­ates a traf­fic and safety haz­ard.

Also, dri­vers are asked to not park along the edge of the roads and streets. Any vehi­cles found parked in those areas will be towed at the owner’s expense.

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