More trou­bles for local tech­nol­ogy com­pany Ruralogic…

The com­pany has now been named in yet another law­suit, and this time it’s in fed­eral court.

The U.S. Depart­ment of Labor filed a com­plaint alleg­ing improper use of pen­sion funds.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, Ruralogic Inc., along with its sis­ter com­pany Cir­ric Inc., are fidu­cia­ries to the retire­ment plan. Both com­pa­nies, along with their respec­tive own­ers, Joseph Burmester and C. David Sny­der, are named as defen­dants in the fed­eral suit.

An inves­ti­ga­tion deter­mined that the defen­dants failed to timely remit par­tic­i­pant con­tri­bu­tions and par­tic­i­pant loan repay­ments to the plan.

The com­plaint seeks to restore $123,338.85 to the Attevo retire­ment plan. It also seeks to per­ma­nently bar Sny­der and Burmester from serv­ing as a fidu­ciary or ser­vice provider to any employee ben­e­fit plan.

Accord­ing to the com­plaint, Burmester and Ruralogic, which is head­quar­tered in Bryan and has branch loca­tions in Arch­bold and Napoleon, failed to remit $54,899.71 in par­tic­i­pant con­tri­bu­tions that were with­held from the pay­checks of Ruralogic Inc.‘s employ­ees from July 31, 2010, to June 29, 2012. Sny­der and Cir­ric are accused of fail­ing to remit $68,439.14.

This suit is just the lat­est in a series of law­suits that have been filed against the one promis­ing local employer, based in Bryan.

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