More Drug Arrests In Bryan

It was back on Jan­u­ary 22, when a search war­rant was exe­cuted at an apart­ment on West High Street in Bryan, and three peo­ple were arrested on drug charges. Now, not even a month later, offi­cers returned on Tues­day evening with another war­rant and three more peo­ple were taken into cus­tody at the same apart­ment.

56 year old Julie Green of Bryan, was charged with ille­gal assem­bly and pos­ses­sion of chem­i­cals for the man­u­fac­ture of drugs, and har­bor­ing known fugi­tives.

26 year old Joseph Grubb and 27 year old Duane Hoover were each charged with ille­gal assem­bly and pos­ses­sion, and pos­ses­sion or use of a con­trolled sub­stance. All three were taken to CCNO, and law enforce­ment offi­cials involved in the case say more charges against the three may be com­ing.

This week’s arrest of Julie Green isn’t her first brush with the law either. It was last Novem­ber, when Green, who at the time was going by the name of Julie Austin, was arrested dur­ing the raid of a house near Mont­pe­lier, in what turned out to be one of the larges meth busts in Williams County history.

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