More Jobs On The Way To Williams County

A Williams County employer has announced plans to expand oper­a­tions, pur­chase new equip­ment and cre­ate more jobs. 20/20 Cus­tom Molded Plas­tics of Hol­i­day City, will invest more than $21 mil­lion and add 53 new jobs at its man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­ity, in an expan­sion that will add 220,000 square feet. 20/20 Cus­tom Molded Plas­tics spe­cial­izes in low pres­sure struc­tural foam gas assist injec­tion mold­ing. The Regional Growth Part­ner­ship worked closely with Job­sO­hio in mov­ing the project for­ward, which included a $125,000 Job­sO­hio Grant to acquire land nec­es­sary for the expansion.

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Bryan BPA adding two new positions.

Tuesday night, the Bryan Board of Public Affairs (BPA) approved adding two new positions in …