More Jobs On The Way

It now looks like more jobs are on the way to Steuben County.

Rock­well Amer­i­can announced on Tues­day, the com­pany is invest­ing more than $325,000 over the next four years to expand its Angola sales and dis­tri­b­u­tion facil­ity. Up to 16 new jobs will be cre­ated in the process.

Rock­well Amer­i­can now employs five peo­ple in Angola. The company’s four pro­duc­tion plants are in Texas, Florida and Cal­i­for­nia.

On Mon­day, at their reg­u­lar meet­ing, the Angola City Coun­cil approved a tax abate­ment for Rockwell’s planned invest­ment. The Indi­ana Eco­nomic Devel­op­ment Corp. has offered Qual­ity Trailer Prod­ucts LP — doing busi­ness as Rock­well Amer­i­can — up to $60,000 in con­di­tional tax cred­its and up to $40,000 in train­ing grants based on hir­ing plans.

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