More Scams Reporte

Ohio Attor­ney Gen­eral Mike DeWine is warn­ing con­sumers to watch for scams as they search for tick­ets to upcom­ing events, includ­ing base­ball games. In the past, his office has received dozens of com­plaints involv­ing tick­ets. At least nine con­sumers have reported los­ing hun­dreds of dol­lars to online ticket scams involv­ing sport­ing events or con­certs. The most recent reports involved the 2015 Ohio State/Alabama Sugar Bowl, when two Ohioans lost $800 each when try­ing to buy tick­ets to the game. Other reports involved phony ticket offers to see the Cincin­nati Reds, Cleve­land Cav­a­liers or con­certs. Ohioans can report sus­pi­cious offers to the Ohio Attor­ney General’s Office by call­ing 800–282-0515 or vis­it­ing

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