Steuben County author­i­ties say a motor­cy­cle and a car col­lided Sun­day after­noon east of Angola, injur­ing a hus­band and wife.

The crash hap­pened about 3 p.m. at U.S. 20 and Indi­ana 327.

50 year old Daniel Fuller and his pas­sen­ger, 48 year old Rhonda Fuller, were rid­ing a 2012 Harley-Davidson east on U.S. 20 when a Toy­ota, north­bound on Indi­ana 327, pulled into their path.

The Toy­ota dri­ver, 58 year old David White of Fort Wayne, had stopped at the inter­sec­tion but did not see the motor­cy­cle com­ing.

Offi­cers say the Fullers were not wear­ing hel­mets. Both were believed to have suf­fered head injuries, and Rhonda Fuller may have hurt her back as well. They were flown by heli­copter to a Fort Wayne hos­pi­tal.

White was not hurt in the crash. No cita­tions were issued

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