Motorcycle Crash Kills Two

Two peo­ple were killed Wednes­day in DeKalb County when the motor­cy­cle they were on went air­borne and then col­lided with a trac­tor trailer.

It hap­pened yes­ter­day after­noon around 1:30 when 47 year old Michael Wil­son of Auburn, was headed west on County Road 24 near Water­loo near U.S. 6.

Wil­son lost con­trol on a curve, left the road, went through a grass field, up an embank­ment and onto U.S. 6, then went air­borne accord­ing to police.

The bike was then hit while in mid-air by a semi which was east­bound on US 6.

Wil­son and his pas­sen­ger, 34-year-old Michelle Reser, of Angola were instantly killed. Accord­ing to police, nei­ther of them was wear­ing a hel­met.

The dri­ver of the semi, 33 year old Bradley Grove of East Lib­erty was not injured.

A wit­ness told police the motor­cy­cle appeared to be trav­el­ing at a very high rate of speed just before the crash.

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