Motorcycle Parade Saturday

The sixth annual Motor­cy­cle Aware­ness Day Parade is set to take place this Sat­ur­day morn­ing at 9:30 in Defi­ance.

May is Motor­cy­cle Safety Aware­ness Month, and the parade and events this week­end will pro­vide some­thing for every­one, whether you ride or not.

In the past, the parade has drawn more than 250 bikes, and orga­niz­ers expect even more to show up this week­end.

Accord­ing to the US Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion, there were almost 5,000 motor­cy­clists killed in traf­fic crashes in 2012, the lat­est year that fig­ures are avail­able. That was up from just under 2,000 the year before.

Sat­ur­day is also Armed Forces Day, and a spe­cial trib­ute to vet­er­ans is also planned.

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