Motorcyclist Killed In Crash

A three-vehicle crash south of Pio­neer over this past week­end took the life of a motor­cy­clist.

The Ohio High­way Patrol says 66 year old Craig Par­lia­ment of West Unity was stopped at the inter­sec­tion of Ohio 15 at U.S. 20 when he was hit from behind by a pickup truck dri­ven by 27 year old Del­bert Drin­non Jr of Mark Cen­ter. Parliament’s motor­cy­cle was then pushed into another vehi­cle dri­ven by 16 year old Yadira Gar­cia of Adrian, Michi­gan.

Parliament’s pas­sen­ger, 35 year old Con­nie Shope was taken by air ambu­lance to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne.

Par­lia­ment, who was not wear­ing a hel­met, was pro­nounced dead at the scene. That crash remains under inves­ti­ga­tion by police today.

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