Moving Wall Arrives Today

The Mov­ing Wall-Vietnam Vet­er­ans Memo­r­ial will be at Defi­ance Col­lege begin­ning today through Sun­day to mark the 50th anniver­sary of the Viet­nam War.

Today, a motor­cy­cle escort, with more than 1,000 motor­cy­clists will take a few moments to stop by the Defi­ance County War Memo­r­ial at the cour­t­house, where the Defi­ance Fire Depart­ment and the Arch­bold Fire Depart­ment will have their aer­ial tow­ers, with a large flag fly­ing from each of them, posi­tioned above the street.

From Fri­day through Sun­day, the Quilts of Tears will be on dis­play at Defi­ance Col­lege.

There will be a dis­play on cam­pus by the leg­endary RED HORSE Squadron, and a sem­i­nar about the nation’s search and recov­ery oper­a­tions for POWs and MIAs.

A com­mit­tee, com­posed of more than 20 peo­ple, includ­ing Viet­nam vet­er­ans, met many times over the past sev­eral years to make plans for this week’s event.

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