Moving Wall Memorial Coming To Defiance

The Mov­ing Wall-Vietnam Vet­er­ans Memo­r­ial is headed to Defi­ance.

The wall will be escorted into town on the morn­ing of June 12th by a pro­ces­sion of motor­cy­cles.

Right now, plans call for a large U.S. flag to be draped across the street just north of the cour­t­house between aer­ial trucks from the Arch­bold and Defi­ance fire depart­ments as the wall comes into Defi­ance.

The wall will be erected on Web­ster Street between Whit­ney and McReynolds halls.

If you would like more infor­ma­tion on the motor­cy­cle escort, you should call 419–438-0611.

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