The inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues today into the murder-suicide last week in Defi­ance that made national head­lines.

Plans are being made for the funer­als of 68 year old Robart Garza, SR; his 61 year old wife Chris­tine; their 42 year old daugh­ter Zoila; and their 15 year old grand­daugh­ter, Rebecca.

Inves­ti­ga­tors say Garza shot and killed the three oth­ers, then shot and killed him­self.

The four bod­ies were found by a vis­it­ing rel­a­tive who stopped by the home last Thurs­day night.

Inves­ti­ga­tors say they still don’t have a motive for the shoot­ings and they are still wait­ing for final autopsy results from the Lucas County Coroner’s Office.

15 year old Rebecca Garza was a sopho­more at Defi­ance High School.

Guid­ance coun­selors were offer­ing grief coun­sel­ing for any stu­dents there as of Friday.

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