Napoleon Accepts Resignations

The retire­ment res­ig­na­tions of four teach­ers have been accepted by the Napoleon Area Schools Board of Edu­ca­tion.

Linda Daugh­erty; Ruth Ader­man; Jeanne West­hoven; and Kathy Ver­nace all will retire effec­tive June 1.

Ader­man has served the dis­trict for 23 years, West­hoven for 22 years, Ver­nace for 21 years and Daugh­erty for eight years.

The four, along with all other dis­trict staff mem­bers retir­ing this year will be hon­ored dur­ing a recep­tion on May 13 at 6:45 p.m. in the high school com­mu­nity room, imme­di­ately pre­ced­ing next month’s reg­u­lar board meet­ing set for 7:30 p.m. that same night.

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