Napoleon Clean-Up and Flushing

The city of Napoleon reminds res­i­dents that fire hydrant flush­ing is under­way. Flush­ing in the down­town area will be Fri­day, Octo­ber 25th from mid­night till 8am, and will include areas of North Scott, Beck­lee Drive and Bona­parte Drive. Fire hydrant flush­ing is nec­es­sary to ensure the hydrants are work­ing prop­erly, to ver­ify flow and loca­tion of hydrants, and to pull fresh water through the sys­tem.

Napoleon is also once again this fall, offer­ing curb­side leaf vac­u­um­ing ser­vices for senior cit­i­zens, those who are dis­abled, and Golden Buck­eye Card­hold­ers. Qual­i­fied res­i­dents should send a let­ter of request to the city oper­a­tions depart­ment by Novem­ber 8th. All res­i­dents will be noti­fied by let­ter, if they are approved for the vac­uum service.

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