Napoleon Elementary almost finished

The Napoleon Area Board of Edu­ca­tion learned that con­struc­tion of the new Napoleon Ele­men­tary School is expected to be fin­ished by the end of Novem­ber, heard dis­cus­sion about options for soc­cer facil­i­ties in the dis­trict and entered into an agree­ment autho­riz­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion Coop­er­a­tive Pur­chas­ing Pro­gram dur­ing its meet­ing on Wednesday.

Super­in­ten­dent Dr. Stephen Fogo told the board that con­struc­tion at the new Napoleon Ele­men­tary School is down to the final touches, and that stu­dents and staff will begin tour­ing the build­ing Friday.

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