Napoleon Eyes Options

Napoleon Coun­cil met this week, and coun­cil mem­bers got to take a look at financ­ing options for the new water plant project.

City finance direc­tor Greg Heath reported that notes have been secured at one-half-percent inter­est for the engi­neer­ing and pre­lim­i­nary costs, which are esti­mated to be around 2.5 mil­lion dol­lars.

Also this week, a first read­ing was approved on leg­is­la­tion to apply for com­mu­nity devel­op­ment block grant funds. Another res­o­lu­tion was passed at this week’s meet­ing, estab­lish­ing new rates for res­cue ser­vice that those behind it say will match the Medicare reim­burse­ment rate.

Both of those res­o­lu­tions were passed by emer­gency mea­sure.

Coun­cil also approved a grant of $6,700 to be used to pay for the replace­ment of mobile com­put­ers in three city police cruis­ers.

And finally, specs were final­ized for the pur­chase of a new mini exca­va­tor.

Coun­cil approved that at an esti­mated $80,000, which includes the trade-in of an exist­ing backhoe.

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