Napoleon School Subway Doing Well

It looks like the Sub­way at Napoleon High School is a big hit. Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, school offi­cials say that although there were some issues that had to be resolved in the begin­ning, it’s now work­ing very well. Sub­way cor­po­rate reviews have been good, and they say they do every­thing accord­ing to Sub­way cor­po­rate guide­lines. How­ever, because the fran­chise is located inside a school, the Napoleon school sub­way is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent than the Sub­way you may fre­quent nor­mally, in that it offers eight dif­fer­ent 6-inch subs, with a choice of eight veg­eta­bles, with the abil­ity to also toast subs. Bread is baked on site, and only cer­tain sauces are avail­able. Soft drinks and cook­ies are not avail­able, and the Sub­way is not open to the pub­lic. They say the first three months, they put out about 30–35 subs a half hour. Now, they are hit­ting their stride at about 45–50 subs in that same time.

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