For the fourth time since March 2012, vot­ers in the Napoleon Area School Dis­trict are fac­ing a bal­lot request for new oper­at­ing funds.

At next Tuesday’s elec­tion, they will decide the fate of a 2.9-mill, five-year prop­erty tax levy which would gen­er­ate about $825,000 annu­ally begin­ning in 2014. If approved, it would cost the owner of a $100,000 home about $101 more per year.

If past votes are any indi­ca­tion, it may be dif­fi­cult to pass.

In May, vot­ers rejected a 0.5 per­cent, five-year earned income tax for new oper­at­ing funds. Last Novem­ber, they turned down a 3.9-mill, five-year prop­erty tax levy. In March of 2012, they rejected a 0.25 per­cent income tax for operations.

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