The annual fall curb­side pickup in the city of Napoleon is now being held. Napoleon res­i­dents should have mate­ri­als at the curb by 7am, on their day of pickup if they want them to dis­ap­pear.

Mate­ri­als should be kept dry, and no con­tain­ers larger than 30 gal­lons or 50 pounds will be accepted.

Build­ing mate­ri­als can­not be longer than 4-feet in length, or three feet wide. All loose items should be bagged or boxed; and car­pet­ing or padding should be in rolls, tied with cord, and no wider than 4 feet.

Liq­uid waste is pro­hib­ited.

Extra city tags are required for items, such as old refrig­er­a­tors or air con­di­tion­ers con­tain­ing Freon.

Tags are also required for tires.

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