New addiction treatment facility planned in Napoleon

A half-million dol­lars in fund­ing has been approved to build a new drug treat­ment facil­ity in Napoleon. The com­pre­hen­sive addic­tion treat­ment facil­ity would be owned and oper­ated by a Toledo com­pany, A Renewed Mind Behav­io­r­ial Health. They already have pro­grams in Lucas, Wood, Han­cock and Williams County. The new facil­ity will be called The Renewal Cen­ter. The plan is for a 16-bed res­i­den­tial pro­gram, with out­pa­tient ser­vices, ambu­la­tory detox ser­vices and on-site recov­ery hous­ing. They hope to have the build­ing com­plete by next fall.

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