New Bridge Slated For Defiance

The Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion plans to com­pletely replace the Clin­ton Street Bridge in Defi­ance with a new four-lane bridge. The project, accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, is sched­uled for 2019, and will com­pletely replace the exist­ing struc­ture with a bridge which will carry four lanes of traf­fic, includ­ing access for pedes­tri­ans, bicy­clists and those with dis­abil­i­ties. The exist­ing bridge was built back in 1932. The bridge deck was replaced in 1980.

Esti­mated con­struc­tion costs for the new bridge will come in right around $9 mil­lion, with state and fed­eral funds pro­vided through ODOT cov­er­ing most of the cost. ODOT says traf­fic, both vehic­u­lar and pedes­trian, will be main­tained across the river dur­ing con­struc­tion, which will likely take about two years.

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