Quadco is now offer­ing some­thing brand new.

“The Ride,” is now being offered to peo­ple not typ­i­cally served by Quadco. The new pro­gram offers trans­porta­tion to Williams County res­i­dents in need of… well, a ride.

Here’s how it works. Peo­ple sim­ply call 888–982-1011 at least 24 hours in advance for an appoint­ment for a ride.

Rides are offered from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon­day through Fri­day.

The pric­ing sched­ule is pretty much in line with pric­ing used by Henry County’s trans­porta­tion sys­tem… $2.50 for rides within a 3-mile area, $2.50 plus 75 cents per mile for longer trips within Williams County, $5 plus 75 cents per mile for trips to adjoin­ing coun­ties, and $15 plus mileage for trips out­side the four county area.

So far, accord­ing to The Bryan Times, Quadco reports about five to 10 peo­ple a month are tak­ing advan­tage of the new program.

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