New Paulding EMA Director Chosen

Pauld­ing County com­mis­sion­ers have announced the appoint­ment of Edward Bohn as the new direc­tor of the county emer­gency man­age­ment agency.

Bohn was rec­om­mended by the Pauld­ing County EMA direc­tor search com­mit­tee, which was com­prised of seven peo­ple from sev­eral dif­fer­ent county agen­cies.

Bohn replaces Randy Shaf­fer, who served as EMA direc­tor for more than 18 years.

Cur­rently, Bohn is a cap­tain with the Defi­ance City Fire Depart­ment. He starts his new job on Mon­day part-time and will take over full-time in October.

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