NSCC Hands Out Awards

Two peo­ple have been named recip­i­ents of the 2014 Dis­tin­guished Alumni Award from North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege. Dr. Jana Bourn of Wauseon, and Travis Star­buck of Sher­wood have been pre­sented with the high­est honor given by the NSCC Alumni Asso­ci­a­tion.

Bourn grad­u­ated from NSCC in 1997 with an asso­ciate of sci­ence degree. She is employed at the Wauseon Clinic where she spe­cial­izes in fam­ily prac­tice.

Star­buck earned his asso­ciate degree in account­ing from North­west State in 2001 and went on to earn cer­ti­fi­ca­tion as an IRS Enrolled Agent in 2005. He is the owner of SRI Tax and Account­ing located in Defi­ance.

Devel­oped in 1998, the Dis­tin­guished Alumni Award hon­ors grad­u­ates of North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege who have achieved rec­og­nized promi­nence in their career, made sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to their pro­fes­sion and com­mu­nity, and impacted the lives of oth­ers. Recip­i­ents are rec­og­nized at a spe­cial ceremony.

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