Rep­re­sen­ta­tives with The Man­nik and Smith Group and the Henry County engineer’s office pre­sented res­i­dents, busi­ness­men, and city and county offi­cials, with an update on the pre­ferred alter­na­tive for a new River cross­ing in Napoleon dur­ing a pub­lic forum which was held on Mon­day.

The pro­posed cross­ing will pro­vide a more direct line between the indus­trial area, improve the access for future devel­op­ments, reduce the crash his­tory that’s occur­ring on the sur­round­ing road­ways and improve the life of the down­town bridge.

The new bridge will con­nect directly to U.S. 24 and Ohio 110 to go across the river.

Talks cen­ter­ing around the build­ing of a sec­ond river cross­ing in Napoleon have been ongo­ing for about a decade.

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