New Truck For Edgerton

In Edger­ton, the vil­lage coun­cil on Mon­day night at their reg­u­lar meet­ing, approved the pur­chase of a vehi­cle. The village’s water depart­ment had requested that coun­cil pur­chase a 2012 Ram 2500 4×4 with ser­vice body, includ­ing a ten-year war­ranty, for $27,000. That comes in at around $2,000 less than what had pre­vi­ously been bud­geted for the truck in the 2015 bud­get, and it also has been ear­marked as an approved pur­chase by the state over­sight com­mit­tee, as it is a cap­i­tal improve­ment expense. Other busi­ness was con­ducted last night, and prior to adjourn­ing, coun­cil met in exec­u­tive ses­sion to dis­cuss employ­ment of a pub­lic employee. No action was taken though.

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