New York man found with drugs on Turnpike

A rou­tine traf­fic stop led to the arrest of a dri­ver after the trooper smelled pot. The man, 28-year-old John Lee, is from New York. He was pulled over for speed­ing on the Ohio Turn­pike at Exit 13 on Mon­day morn­ing. As soon as the trooper smelled mar­i­juana, he called for a deputy from Williams County Sheriff’s Depart­ment to assist. Trooper Greg Harkey told the Bryan Times that they searched the man’s vehi­cle and found an ounce of pot and a back­pack with sus­pected cocaine and nee­dles. Lee report­edly admit­ted it was cocaine. OSP is send­ing the drug to the BCI for con­fir­ma­tion. Lee was arrested and charged with mis­de­meanor drug pos­ses­sion and released on his own recog­ni­zance. Trooper Harkey said other charges are pending.

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