Ney Man Killed In Crash

The Ohio State High­way Patrol at Defi­ance says a one-vehicle crash seri­ously injured a man early Sat­ur­day.

It hap­pened around 3:30 a.m. on County Road 424 at Lim­baugh Road in Delaware Town­ship in Defi­ance County when police say 28 year old James A. Wol­frum of Ney ran off the road and hit the guardrail.

Wolfrum’s vehi­cle then skid­ded on top of the guardrail, before flip­ping over sev­eral times.

Wol­frum was taken to Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal with what police said were seri­ous injuries.

Police also say he was not wear­ing a seat­belt at the time of the crash, which remains under inves­ti­ga­tion.

Accord­ing to the High­way Patrol, alco­hol is suspected.

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