“No excuses weather” perfect for holiday decorating

If you pro­cras­ti­nate on those out­door hol­i­day lights, you have no excuse this week­end. It is expected to feel more like April than Decem­ber this week­end. National Weather Ser­vice fore­cast­ers say unsea­son­ably mild weather will con­tinue through the week­end. We’ll see record highs in the low six­ties and record warm lows a pos­si­bil­ity Sat­ur­day and Sunday.

Areas of light rain and patchy driz­zle are expected Fri­day night into Sat­ur­day as a warm front passes through the area. Rain will become heav­ier and more wide­spread for Sun­day and Sun­day night as a strong storm system.

Colder air will fil­ter into the area for Mon­day with highs in the low fifties as this sys­tem pulls off to the east.

Back to cooler weather with highs are expected to be in the for­ties on Tues­day and Wednesday.

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