No Roundabout In Defiance

The Defi­ance city administration’s plan to seek grant funds for a round­about traf­fic con­trol device at a south­side inter­sec­tion ended abruptly on Tues­day night, when city coun­cil rejected an ordi­nance autho­riz­ing the state grant appli­ca­tion. The ordi­nance would have allowed the city to seek grant funds through the Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion for con­struc­tion of a single-lane round­about at Ottawa and Cleve­land avenues in 2019. Mayor Bob Arm­strong and city admin­is­tra­tor Jeff Leonard were both in favor of the project.

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‘Explore the Crafts’ at Sauder Village.

Sauder Village has announced the return of Explore the Crafts on Saturday, Sept. 14. From …