No Sign Of Big Cat

Despite reports to the con­trary, Pauld­ing County wildlife offi­cials on Wednes­day, reported no evi­dence of a large cat in the area.

The state wildlife offi­cers who inves­ti­gated the reported sight­ing, says no evi­dence or tracks were found, and there­fore, it’s very dif­fi­cult to deter­mine what, if any­thing, was behind the appar­ent sight­ings.

On Tues­day, the Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office got a report of a large cat Brown Town­ship. The caller said it was about 40–50 pounds with a long body the color of straw, and was approx­i­mately knee high.

They also received a call from another res­i­dent days ear­lier, that said they heard a cat cry­ing although it did not sound like a “nor­mal” cat.

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