Northern Ohio Ebola Developments

Even though no one in Ohio beside Ambert Vin­son has tested pos­i­tive for the Ebola virus, the Ohio Depart­ment of Health has set up a 24 hour a day Ebola hot­line to answer ques­tions about Ebola. The num­ber is 866–800-1404. Just below Defi­ance the Put­nam County Health Depart­ment has been informed of 6 peo­ple who were in the same bridal shop as Amber Vin­son so as a pre­cau­tion health author­i­ties are mon­i­tor­ing the tem­per­a­tures and health of these 6 peo­ple for the incu­ba­tion period of 21 days after which they will be declared free of Ebola.

Mean­while the Vin­son fam­ily has hired a high pow­ered lawyer to con­front neg­a­tive com­ments made about Amber Vin­son, angry remarks about how she should not have flown to Cleve­land from Dal­las. The fam­ily says Amber com­plied with all pro­to­col and made more than one call to the CDC ask­ing if it would be all right to fly to Cleve­land with a slightly ele­vated tem­per­a­ture. The CDC gave her the green light to travel because her fever was not yet 100.

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