Among the people who flew on the same plane as Ebola patient Amber Vinson from Dallas to Cleveland are two people from the Sandusky area. The Erie County Health Department says it is extremely unlike they were exposed to the virus because they were not seated near Vinson. But the Ohio Health Department has said it wants who came in contact with the woman quarantined for 21 days just in case and anyone who was even near her like the two from Erie County, should take their temperatures several times a day and should go to a doctor at the sign of any change. Nurse Vinson, knowing she had treated a man who died from Ebola, called the CDC to ask if she could fly home to plan her wedding, because she had a fever of 99, but since the Ebola alarms go off with a fever of 101, she was told there was no objection to her going. She was diagnosed positive the day after she landed in Cleveland.
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