North­west State Com­mu­nity College’s 43th com­mence­ment cer­e­mony Sat­ur­day included 477 grad­u­ates who earned 395 associate’s degrees and 151 cer­tifi­cates. It was a record for the col­lege.

Dr. Mar­cia Sloan Latta, a Williams County native, pro­vided the keynote address.

Latta oper­ates a con­sult­ing firm, Latta Strate­gies, and serves on the board of direc­tors for Farm­ers & Mer­chants State Bank.

90 per­cent of this year’s grad­u­at­ing class live within in the five-county area of Henry, Ful­ton, Defi­ance, Williams and Pauld­ing counties.

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