A pro­posal now being con­sid­ered in Wash­ing­ton which would decrease the amount of ethanol in the nation’s fuel sup­ply has once again heated debates about ethanol across the nation and here in our area too.

The Renew­able Fuel Stan­dard was cre­ated under the Energy Pol­icy Act of 2005.

In 2007, the stan­dard was expanded so the vol­ume of renew­able fuel required to be blended into the nation’s gaso­line sup­ply would increase from nine bil­lion gal­lons in 2008 to 36 bil­lion gal­lons by 2022.

Recently, it was announced that the EPA has pro­posed to reduce the amount of ethanol in the nation’s fuel/gas sup­ply by more than two bil­lion gal­lons for 2014.

A pub­lic com­ment period is cur­rently being held prior to any deci­sion on the reduction.

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